Monday, July 29, 2019

Finding purpose in my creative journey!

As artists and creative professionals, we’re motivated to make art and get it out to the world. There is something special that drives us to pick up a pencil or paintbrush and start creating what will become a work of art. For me, being an artist has helped me to learn to appreciate the way in which I’m able to express myself and communicate visually what is going on inside of my head and in my imagination. Being an artist has helped to give me an outlet for my creativity and even boost my self confidence. I’ve been drawing and making art for over 40 years and am thankful that I’m still excited and passionate about being creative. My journey has been every bit the constant learning process. Everything I know about art has been because of my persistence to learn and adapt to whatever challenges come my way. I’m completely self-taught and have acquired most of my knowledge through just trial and error. When I wanted to learn to draw, I grabbed some paper and a pencil and went to work. When I wanted to learn how to airbrush but knew NOTHING at all about the medium, I jumped in and just went for it. When I needed to make the move to digital art and graphic design, I did everything I could to learn whatever was needed to get me going. In other words , I didn’t wait around for a teacher or someone to help me, I made it happen! This year I will be celebrating my 50th birthday and I honestly feel like I’m just scratching the surface when it comes to my true artistic potential. When I pick up a pencil, I feel like there’s nothing that I cannot draw and that feeling is what gives me my inspiration to never give up on my talent and dreams to see myself living the life of a successful artist/ entrepreneur. I  hope to one day be an inspiration to other aspiring artists and want to do all that I can to inspire the next generation of artists. #keepdrawing!

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